What Does Based Mean On TikTok?
It’s common practice to look up a word’s definition. Some words may not be well-known, but they can be found by searching on our website. What Does Based Mean is a hot topic right now. Users on the platform are increasingly using the TikTok slang term “based.” Please take the time to carefully read this article if you want to learn what based means on TikTok.
What Does Based Mean On TikTok?
The term “based” on TikTok refers to being authentic without considering how others may perceive you. Rapper Lil B said based means “being yourself and not caring what others think of you, to carry yourself with swagger.”
The word originally meant having a cocaine addiction, according to Dictionary.com, but on TikTok, its meaning was altered.
According to an interview with Complex, Lil B reversed the meaning of the word’s negative connotation.

What Does Based Mean On TikTok?
When users upload videos that address the concept of being authentic, they frequently use the hashtag #based.
A video of a TikTok user named @syrianpsycho trying to change himself in order to attract girls was posted. The first few clips start off with the question, “How can I get girls?!” @syrianpsycho then shows himself gaining muscle, getting rid of his acne, growing his hair and dressing his age – yet nothing worked.
What Does Based Mean On Instagram?
Based is a slang term that originally meant to be addicted to crack cocaine, but it was reclaimed by rapper Lil B for being yourself and not caring what other people think about you to carry yourself with swagger.
On social media, people use words with various meanings. What Does Based Mean On Twitter is currently being searched for. The following details on our website will help you learn what based means on Twitter.
What Does Based Mean On Twitter?
Based simply means being authentic. not worrying about what others will think of you. The person who only thinks about what they want and doesn’t care what others think of them. Based was a West Coast slang term for someone who was a crackhead or acting in that way.
Use it to describe eccentric or slightly off people as well. Visit our website for more information.